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In bed with a broken hand from football, our hero can't even enjoy his favorite VR Porn Stars. The poor guy is missing out on some great VR Porn Scenes while he is laid up.

His pretty brunette stepsister Medusa brings him breakfast in bed and wants to cheer him up. She sees him sporting morning wood that looks like something from a VR Porn Movie. Feeling sorry for him that he can't even jerk off, she goes under the sheet to relieve his throbbing cock. He hesitates, but sis tells him to pretend he is wearing his VR Headset and that she is just a hot slut from his favorite VR Porn Series. She loves giving head and finds his big cock quite tasty. With the help of her mouth, the brother's cock is feeling in top shape. Head from Medusa is even better than watching VR Porn Scenes. Watch the High Definition Virtual Reality action unfold as she takes out her big tits for him. Anxious for more, she turns around and guides his cock into her pussy. His dick really is as big as the ones in VR Porn Movies and Medusa loves every inch. Her pussy feels better than his hand when he jerks off with his VR Headset on. She wants to be banged deep and to taste a bit load. Hold onto your VR goggles and fuck her as hard as you can as you enjoy the hottest Virtual Reality Porn in the world.

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